According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.
My senior speech has approached extremely quickly. Back in ninth grade, I felt my senior speech was never going to come, but here I am today. I thought I had plenty of time before I was going to have to stand up here and speak in front of the school. From that first speech that we all listened to, I have stressed about what I would talk about and share with the school. As this day has approached faster and faster, day by day, I came to the conclusion that my speech would be about time, and how quickly it goes by.
Time is valuable no matter how you view or use it. In fact, I tend to waste my parents’ time a lot, my dad in particular. Whenever I do waste his time, he always says, “Give it back to me. Give me back my time.” And my answer is always the same, “I can’t…”
Time doesn't stop, and it waits for nothing. It’ll just keep tick-tocking on by you. You can't ever get it back, but only look behind and remember it. Never had I thought that my high school years would pass by so quickly and, looking back to ninth grade, I thought senior year was so far away, but here we are. I have been thinking about the past quite a bit this year and just reflecting, knowing that adulthood is just right around the corner. It’s shocking that college is only a few months away and soon everyone will be on their separate paths to begin their journeys.
It feels like it was yesterday when we were at Big Bear for our first outdoor ed trip. It feels like yesterday when we won our state championship. It feels like yesterday when it was the first day of senior year. It feels like yesterday when we were at school for the last time before distance learning. It feels like yesterday for a lot of things, but this just goes to show how fast time goes by. It’s a generic saying, but “time really does fly.” One blink, and you’ll miss it.
It’s ironic, because sometimes the days go by slowly, but the weeks and months and years really do go by so fast.
I’m going to cherish all the memories and moments that have and will happen in the coming months and especially the people and relationships that I have met and built in the past four years. It has been a long and eventful filled journey that is slowly but quickly coming to an end.