R&R Speaker Series: Dr. Karen Wilson - June 10

Renaissance School is pleased to be co-hosting the R&R Speaker Series alongside REACH Elementary and Middle Schools, the newest member of our consortium of schools.
The second speaker in the series is Dr. Karen Wilson presenting the topic "They Don't Always 'Grow Out of It' - How to Support Kids Who Struggle," virtually on June 10 at 4 PM (PST).

Dr. Karen Wilson is a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Director of West LA Neuropsychology, and an Assistant Clinical Professor (Voluntary) in the Medical Psychology Assessment Center at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior at UCLA. Dr. Wilson is also the Founder of ChildNEXUS.com, which provides neurodevelopmental information to parents.
This event will be hosted on a live Zoom call and meeting details will be sent by e-mail. Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 9 at www.reachelementaryschool.org/speaker-series
Karen Wilson - Speaker Series Flyer