Why Our School?



When students are celebrated for their strengths and supported in their pursuit of personal and academic growth, they learn about themselves while they learn the content. Equipped with academic mastery and self-awareness, students confidently navigate their journey to college and beyond. 


The Rolling Hills Prep program provides a challenging academic program in a supportive environment of adults who identify students’ strengths while also challenging them to explore their passions. Students establish goals, implement an individualized learning path, and track progress with the help of advisors. 


When we recognize all the ways students learn and tailor instruction to meet different learning styles, students confidently navigate school and life as creative problem solvers and independent, life-long learners.


The Renaissance program celebrates and responds to students’ different learning styles. Each student is provided with a learning support team with whom they develop study skills, self-advocacy, and other vital skills for lifelong learning. As students master the content, they’re also learning how they best learn, and they graduate as confident advocates for themselves. 


When students receive intensive, specialized support as their strengths and unique learning styles are embraced, they develop a love for school and learning along with a deep understanding of themselves as learners and people. 


The REACH program helps students navigate learning and social relationships in a warm and inclusive environment. Students receive an individualized academic and social plan and 1-1 teaching and support from teachers. Classrooms are very small, and our instructional levels and groups are tailored to student's individual needs and abilities rather than their age-based grade level.